
How to be Safe when Online Dating
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Want to start online dating, but scared of the thought of meeting someone you don’t know? Here are some tips on how to stay safe while meeting your online date!

#1: Find your potential date on social media
Make sure the person you are talking to is authentic by finding their social media profiles. Not only do their profiles show they are a real person, it can give you a more in depth idea of what they are like. Rather than only seeing the pictures they show on their dating profile, you will be able to see more and decide if you want to go through with a date!
#2: Ask to video chat
It is very difficult to fake a video chat, so if you are still weary of the individual ask them for a video chat. If they decline then it is most likely they are not who they say they are, and if they accept then you can feel more comfortable with going on that first date!
#3: Always tell a friend/someone you trust where/when you are going
It is important to let someone know who you’re going out with, where you are going, and an estimated time of how long the date will be. If they don’t here back from you in this time, then they know where to find you!
#4: Drive yourself to the date
If you start to feel uncomfortable during the date it is important that you’re able to leave. If your date picks you up and takes you there, you are unable to do that. So either drive, walk, or transit yourself incase you need to leave a sticky situation!
#5: Meet in a public place
Avoid going to the persons house, or to a remote location for your first date. A restaurant, movie theatre, or even a busy park would be ideal. If there are people around the less likely something bad will happen, and if you think they are being sketchy there are many people around to run to.
If you follow these online dating safety tips you are sure to have a safe date! Please be aware of your surroundings at all times, and take these into account when choosing your dating partner.