Ways to Support a Friend Who Is Depressed

7 Practical Ways to Support a Friend Who Is Depressed

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Sometimes, we come across depressed friends, or rather, we find out that one of our friends is depressed and has problems keeping it going. In such a situation, what is our responsibility towards our depressed friend? How can we help them to return to rekindle their will to live? In this post, we share with you the best and most practical ways to support a friend who is depressed.

When someone you care about is depressed, they might go through challenging emotions like helplessness, hopelessness, anger, fear, guilt, and sadness. Depression is a profound and serious condition that should never be taken lightly. It drains a person’s energy, erodes their optimism, and saps their motivation. Overcoming it isn’t as simple as just willing it away.

Even with people they love the most, depression can impede strong emotional ties. Talking to a buddy about their sadness can be somewhat difficult, and it’s not always clear-cut what to say. Should you be lost, the following ideas might provide a decent basis. Remember, though, your job is more to listen compassionately than to provide answers. You are not here to fix their problems; just being here and attentive can make all the difference.

Show Them They Matter

Though that is quite different from reality, sadness can make one feel unworthy and unloved. Depression sufferers regretfully sometimes cannot see this truth. Showing your pals great care is the most crucial thing you can do for them. Although this might not provide a quick remedy, it helps them feel valuable and inspires them to start their road to recovery.

It is important to match this emotional support with consistent actions. Whenever your friend needs assistance, be there to show them they can rely on you. Their road to rehabilitation depends on their understanding of their worthiness for love and happiness, which this dependability allows them to grasp.

Remind them of things they enjoy doing

Remind them of things they enjoy doing

Many times, depression robs people of the happiness their preferred pastimes used to bring. Encouragement of a low-spirited friend to participate in such activities once more is one of the most useful ways you may help them.

Even if right now they appear not interested, tell them about the times you spent riding bikes or swimming together before their depression started. Share those dear memories and ask them to come along again. This little prod can enable your friend to get out of their solitary, rediscover their former pleasures, and understand they have friends they can count on—they are not alone.

Establish a safe environment as they battle depression

Many individuals find depression difficult to comprehend, and this lack of knowledge could cause judgment instead of help. When your friend is going through this difficult period, you must be non-judging and tolerant. Create a comfortable environment where your depressed friend may communicate their emotions free from concern about unwanted advice or criticism. Depression sufferers need someone to interact with and talk to. Having that someone can make a big difference.

Go ahead and offer your downhearted friend advice if you believe you have something worthwhile to share. If you’re not sure what to say, though, perhaps it’s best to just listen. If you feel you are not enough, you could also advise them to get professional advice from a specialist, such as a neurologist. For a depressed friend, your sympathetic presence and understanding might be quite comforting.

Use Your Sense of Humor to Heal

Use Your Sense of Humor to Heal

Laughing is, as the adage says, the best medicine; this is especially true for depression! Studies indicate that laughter can improve mood and help to reduce depression symptoms. Making your despairing friends laugh is among the greatest favors you can do for them.

The cause of laughter matters not; what matters is that it offers a little break from their gloom. Your friend’s emotions could improve even just a basic chuckle. Even for a brief period, if you can help them to lighten their emotions, that moment will greatly enhance their general view of life.

Give the little things they do positive attention

Although great successes are always acknowledged, for a buddy who is disheartened, the little accomplishments can make a significant difference. Acknowledging these little successes can assist them to feel better about their lives. Show them you value and respect the tiny things they do.

If your friend often makes a delicious breakfast, for instance, tell them how valuable and cherished it is. Every thanks helps you to show your care. Be careful in how you convey this before any action and seek their favorable answer.

Always make use of positive statements

Always make use of positive statements

Try first to imagine yourself as someone who is depressed. When you feel alone and terrified, consider how consoling it would be to hear others say nice and good things. Whenever you see your friend questioning herself or speaking poorly, gently interject with nice words. Remind them of their qualities and abilities—always in the present tense. Depression typically skews one’s self-perception, hence it’s important to challenge these thoughts.

Encouragement of a friend who is depressed helps them to recognize their actual value. Fighting depression gets much more difficult if one finds it impossible to overcome challenges and lacks cues of their significance.

Help your friend reconnect with their positive traits so they may fight negative ideas by lifting them. Keep in mind, nevertheless, that not everyone who is unhappy is capable of knowing about their former self. Positive statements about their ability to start afresh will inspire them; but, be careful not to overwhelm them.

Support Them Like a Professional, Skilled Helper

The truth is, your depressed friend cannot be fixed overnight, or you manage it alone. You also have to look for yourself; they need a network of support. Those who suffer from depression need a comprehensive support network to help them get better and back into a happy life.

Ask mutual friends how they may help your friend to feel appreciated and valued. Establishing a thorough support system can help you to share the load and enable your friend to heal more successfully.

Use Technology in A Proper Way

Appropriate utilization of the internet and online platforms can eliminate our negative emotions in the third century when we are significantly using technology in our daily life. MateMachine is our particular answer for your pal who is depressed. You may quickly get a unique code with a friend and meet new people in your community.

The key is to take part in our in-person activities that can help you to rediscover happiness in your life. We are aware of how negatively loneliness and a lack of social interaction with others could influence our lives. Thus, register on our website right now to avoid being single!


1. Can I prescribe medication for my friend who is struggling with depression?

Never. Medication can only be prescribed under the supervision of a doctor. Prescribing medicine can cause irreparable irreparable damage to you and your friend.

2. Can I introduce my friend to other people?

Sure. Keep in mind that the new people you plan to introduce to your depressed friend are aware of his condition.

3. What activities are good for a friend with depression?

First of all, you should ask the person himself. Definitely, with a little patience, the best fun for a depressed person is to travel and watch nature.

4. What expressions should be avoided to comfort a depressed person?

The following phrases are exactly what we should steer clear of.

  •  “These are simply ideas in your head; you need to think positively.
  •  I know just exactly how you feel.
  • You ought to be happy for…
  •  It may have been worse.
  •  Don’t treat yourself so harshly.
  • You become too negative.
  • Be powerful; avoid displaying your frailty.
  • You seem happy while you say you’re depressed!

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