
Types of Love: What Love Means to Different People
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The love we have for different people in our lives feels quite different, doesn’t it? We feel differently toward our partner, spouse, families, friends, and even our pets, but we all label it as the four-letter word “LOVE’. This word cannot truly explain these different kinds of feelings, and that is why the ancient Greeks came up with eight types of love many years ago. In this article, we will discuss different types of love and what love means to different people.
Therefore, if you want to know what kinds of love you are experiencing right now and how it impacts your life, stay with me until the end of this article.
Romantic Love (Eros)
The first kind of love defined by ancient Greeks is Romantic love or eros, named after the Greek god of fertility. This kind of love is described as attraction, passion, and romance. In the early stages of a relationship with our partner, we feel it strongly and deeply. It is the physical touch and the powerful interaction you have with your partner. Eros is responsible for the most beautiful love songs and stories. It is when the famous Cupid’s arrow hits you, and you experience a form of madness.
Romantic love comes strong. However, it fades over time or turns into a different kind of love; therefore, you have to appreciate it while it is fresh and new and enjoy each other’s company and sexual desire while you have it.

Affectionate Love (Philia)
The second type of love the ancient Greeks introduced is called philia. It is the feeling you have for your best friends. It can be as intimate as romantic relationships and only occurs in deep, long-lasting friendships. It is platonic and describes your feelings for a friend you respect and trust and would even follow to the end of the world.
Familiar Love (Storge)
Familiar love can be described as a type of philia and signifies the love we feel for our parents, children, close family, and friends that we grew up with and know our whole life. This kind of love will not fade away with time, and it is linked to our shared memory of that person. The more time you spend with the person and the more meaningful memories you create, the more deeply and strongly you will experience familiar love. The difference between storge and philia is that storge is based on familiarity, early memories, and blood.

Playful Love (Ludus)
Before a relationship becomes serious or we meet someone in a public place and start flirting with them, we feel the fourth type of love valued by the ancient Greeks. It is fun and flirtatious and does not include the strings that come along with eros.
It is the kind of love that gives you butterflies in your stomach and makes your cheeks turn red out of shyness. It is exciting, unique, and unusual, and it sparks teasing and playful conversations that bring laughter and joy.
Enduring Love (Pragma)
Enduring love goes beyond physical love or friendship and is based on understanding, duty, practicality, and commitment. You will feel this kind of love for your lifelong partner, and it comes with a mature connection that develops over time. It is more common in politically arranged marriages throughout history. You may still feel not committed and eros with your partner, but these expressions of love may not characterize your relationship entirely.
Tip: Strong relationships involve passionate and compassionate love, creating an enduring relationship.

Obsessive Love (Mania)
When the two parties involved in a relationship have different feelings toward each other, obsessive love or mania occurs. One party does not feel safe and accepted in this kind of love and tries to get constant reassurance from their partner. Experiencing jealousy and possessiveness is common, and it is considered to be an unhealthy type of love.
With this kind of love, one party is always afraid of losing their significant other and mostly experiences low self-esteem. A toxic relationship or codependent relationship is another way of putting it. Mania can be difficult to recover from, but if you can, there will need to be a more balanced level of attachment.
Universal Love (Agape)
Agape is selfless and unconditional love, bigger than us. It is seen as a kind of unending love in which you support another person through good times and bad without anticipating anything in return. Because it can be applied to everyone and everything, it is sometimes referred to as universal love. It can be a selfless and altruistic kind of love. One way to demonstrate agape love is to volunteer or perform random acts of kindness toward strangers or others.
Self Love
Self-love is actually one of the most important types of love. When we accept and learn to love ourselves, we will be able to love others as well. Meditation is a great exercise for anyone who wants to improve their relationships with others and, most importantly, with themselves. It may sound obvious, but the connection we have with ourselves is the one we’ll be in for the longest.
Do not confuse self-love with being narcissistic or selfish. Self-love, as described by ancient Greeks, is totally different. You should know that it is not harmful or negative in any way. As a matter of fact, if we want to give love and receive love, we must have the same affection and love for ourselves.
The Takeaway
In this article, we have discussed eight types of love described by ancient Greeks. When we understand these different kinds of love, we can better handle problems and make the necessary improvements.
Remember to give and receive love, no matter who or how you’re loving. Understand the kind of love you have for the people in your life and try to nurture your relationship to the best of your ability.
Understanding the different types of love can deepen your connections and help you find a partner who truly compliments you. If you are ready to get to know the world of love and discover your perfect match, MateMachine can help you. Sign up today.
1. Is the Greek’s description of love different from modern culture?
In modern culture, love mostly equates with romantic passion. However, ancient Greeks recognized different types of love and their complexities.
2. How can I better my relationship with my spouse?
When you know about different types of love, you will understand your emotional experiences and those of your partner, which will lead to deeper connection and communication.
3. Can I experience different types of love for the same person?
Absolutely. Different kinds of love can coexist and create rich relationships.
4. Is playful love important for long-term relationships?
Ludus adds fun and excitement to relationships and can prevent boredom.