Green Flags In A Dating Profile
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While weve talked about potential red flags in a relationship, were here to talk about the opposite: green flags. What makes a profile stand out? Were talking 5 out of 5 stars, A-Listers, and the matches that’ll make you swoon. If youre feeling a little lost in the dating world, were here to help. Weve…

8 Red Flags in A Profile
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Red flags in a dating profile. Who has them? How do we even find them? Most importantly How the heck do we avoid them? Urban dictionary defines a red flag as, a sign or warning of impending danger, disaster or doom. [Urban Dictionary] So how does this translate to a dating profile? Well, a profile…

Post-Date Etiquette: Whats the deal?
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Youve just had a fabulous date. The hours passed too quickly, the conversation flowed, the food was great, and your date was enticing. Perhaps youve arrived home to take your shoes off and sit on your couch. So what the heck do you write now? If you dont respond, well, complete silence could rub off…

POV: The One Who Got Away
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Have you ever had an ex (privately named The One) slip away from you? Do you wish you could go back in time to make a different decision? Three summers ago, I took a job hostessing on a sunny patio in one of the fancier spots in town. I was single, having just finished school,…

Why You’re Not Getting Any Matches on Dating Apps
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Cant figure out why you’re not getting matches on your dating apps? It may be because of your profile. Check out these four reasons why you may not be getting matches. 1. Your profile doesn’t capture the real you Dating profiles give you the opportunity to show off your best self! Make sure you’re using…

Tips for Dating Over 40
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Dating after a divorce, or just never found the one? This post is for you! Don’t rush into things Dating can be draining and stressful so make sure you are fully ready to get back into the dating scene! Wait before introducing your partner to your kids (if you have any) Your kids should be…

How to Online Date – the Right Way
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Lets face it, online dating isn’t rocket science, but it can be tricky at some times… Here’s a list of our BEST online dating tips to help you with the process. Honesty is the best policy Whats more awkward than going on a date with a guy you met online? Going on a date with…

Is Your Date Idea Accessible?
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Unfortunately, so many spaces in the world are still very inaccessible to disabled people. Particular access needs are as unique as individuals are, and some folks can handle inaccessible spaces when necessary or for short periods of time if they have support, while others will not be able to do so. In this article well…

Consent is Not Just for Sex
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At this point, we dont have to tell you how important consent is for any kind of sexual activity. We dont have to tell you that consent is enthusiastic and ongoing, and that it can be revoked at any time and for any reason. But maybe you havent thought a ton about how far the…

Trusting Your Date
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Dating new people is always going to be an exercise in trust. Whatever the reason why youre dating youre going to have to at some point trust the person youre seeing. You’re going to have to let them in one way or another whether that is into your home, your heart, or even just into…