Category: Uncategorized
Category: Uncategorized

Why People Cheat
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Writing this, I think about my own personal experience of being in a relationship with my Ex for over two years and finding out that he cheated on me. I felt broken, I felt betrayed, I was angry, sad, EVERYTHING. You feel an instant rush of so many emotions, and Im sad to report that…
Three Technology Tips for Dating
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I assume that if youre reading an article about dating on the internet, you are not one of the few who are still kicking and screaming about making connections online. Technology is a part of dating in so many ways than just how you meet people (dating apps, social media) and how you communication (dating…
Avoiding Temptation on Dating Sites
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What kind of temptation? You might be thinking. No, were not talking about the temptation to cheat on your partner or anything like that. Were talking about the temptation to stretch or withhold truths from a potential partner, just a little bit. Up to 80% of people have confessed to lying when it comes to…
You Should Take Your Date To…
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Okay, so youve figured out what you want out of your current dating life. Good for you! Now what? Well, once youve actually asked out a person you like, now you have to propose a date. While we have nothing against dinners, coffee dates, Netflix and chill, a walk in the park, or a movie,…
What Should I Know About Myself Before I Date? A Checklist
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Sometimes dating just seems like the thing to do. Even if you arent following a traditional life path of a good career, marriage, and children, you probably still feel some kind of dating pressure whether that is pressure to settle down or to finally just get a date and bring someone home for the holidays.…
What is fetishization and how can we avoid it in dating?
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The Cambridge dictionary has two definition of fetishization, both of which are relevant for dating: Fetishization in dating often happens when a person places too much importance on a particular attribute. This attribute is usually something the person with the attribute has no or very little control over. Messaging or matching with someone specifically because…

Privacy Tips for Dating Apps
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Joining a dating app can be a tricky decision. While its always hard to put yourself out there, it can sometimes be even harder to add yet another kind of social media. With any kind of social media there is the risk not just of the app or service farming your data for $$, but…

3 Reasons why Dating Apps should include Disabled People
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Dating is a deeply personal task. If you are looking for someone to date, you might have hundreds of ideas about what ideal qualities that person should have. You might want to date someone who looks like you, or shares the same interests. You might think that if you are a nondisabled person you dont…

No More Missed Opportunities
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Nicole and James were highschool sweethearts, and even after four years apart at university, they couldnt stop thinking about each other. Nicole moved back home, and wanted to tell James she still loved him, but didnt know how to reach out. Maybe youve had an experience like this too. Sometimes you meet someone, and its…

When is it time to walk away?
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Esther Perel says, The idea of finding the one is problematic for relationships, which makes those of us in relationship-limbo feel even more confused. Some relationships feel perfect and aligned in the moment, before quickly changing and becoming a puzzle piece that just doesnt fit. Love, like life, is fickle. In the world of dating…