Combating Dating Fatigue

Dating fatigue can e you feeling discouraged, exhausted, and out-right done with dating. All in all, it seems to take the fun out of it, and isn’t dating supposed to be fun? In modern dating, fatigue seems to be more and more common, but there are ways to help combat burn out in your dating life.

Is Fighting Normal in Healthy Relationships?

Is fighting normal in healthy relationships? The short answer, yes. The long answer, well, it’s a bit more complex than that.

What’s The Most Important Factor To a Healthy, Long Term Relationship?

What’s The Most Important Factor To a Healthy, Long Term Relationship?

People often ask what the most important factor to a healthy, long term relationship is when seeking dating advice. And while there is not a singular correct answer as every relationship is unique and requires its own set of do’s and don’t’s, there is one thing that is true across the dating world: in order…

New Year Dating Goals

Going into the New Year always holds with it a sense of starting fresh and setting goals and resolutions for the year to come. Throughout this process, it’s important to check in with ourselves and think about what we want to accomplish in a tangible matter. Something that I’ve gotten into the habit of practicing…

8 Red Flags in A Profile

[Alt. Text Description: A red flag is planted in the sand of a beach.] [Photo from UnSplash] Red flags in a dating profile. Who has them? How do we even find them?  Most importantly How the heck do we avoid them? Urban dictionary defines a red flag as, a sign or warning of impending danger,…

Post-Date Etiquette: Whats the deal?

[Alt. Text Description: A lighter skinned person holds a smartphone against a blurred background.] [Taken from Alex Ware.] Youve just had a fabulous date. The hours passed too quickly, the conversation flowed, the food was great, and your date was enticing.  Perhaps youve arrived home to take your shoes off and sit on your couch.…

POV: The One Who Got Away

[Alt. Text Description: A man’s shadowy silhouette is centered against a backdrop of a deep blue sky and white clouds] [Taken from here] Have you ever had an ex (privately named The One) slip away from you? Do you wish you could go back in time to make a different decision? Three summers ago, I…

Trusting Your Date

Dating new people is always going to be an exercise in trust. Whatever the reason why youre dating youre going to have to at some point trust the person youre seeing. You’re going to have to let them in one way or another whether that is into your home, your heart, or even just into…

When is it time to walk away?

Esther Perel says, The idea of finding the one is problematic for relationships, which makes those of us in relationship-limbo feel even more confused. Some relationships feel perfect and aligned in the moment, before quickly changing and becoming a puzzle piece that just doesnt fit.  Love, like life, is fickle. In the world of dating…

Let’s Prepare for CUFFING SZN!

Pumpkin spiced lattes. Feather-filled coats. Cooler temperatures & golden leaves. Autumn is here! The weather may be chilly, but that doesnt mean dating needs to be. Cuffing season generally starts in October and ends close to February. With the days becoming shorter and the holidays peeking from around the corner, singles are more likely to…